Where Do All My Socks Go?
Have you ever bought five pairs of the same colour socks and then all of sudden you have only a pair and a half left? Thin air, black holes, or maybe even your dog, the answer has a variety of rational and non-rational options. Somehow like all the lighters, USB phone leads, and other small trinkets, we keep wondering where they disappear to. In situations like these, there is only one thing that can be done - better organisation. First of all, keep the socks organised in your sock drawer. As organised as you are, the more likely you are to find the right pair for the right outfit. Instead of folding them inside out, try stacking them in a row horizontally. And of course, there is a practical way to reduce your lost-socks quota. Don’t throw them in with all of your other laundry, that’s how they get irrevocably separated, and despite your heroic intentions, post-wash pairing is just an illusion.